Of the American Rose Society
Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting
October 24, 2004
Sacramento, CA
Host Society - Sacramento Rose Society
CALL TO ORDER, Jolene Adams, District Director
The meeting was called to order at 10:08 am.
WELCOME, Jolene Adams, District Director
Jolene Adams spoke for John Cockerham
ROLL CALL OF SOCIETIES, Judy Jones, Secretary
All societies were represented except: Golden Sierra, Honolulu, Mendocina, Stockton, and Woodland Library.
MINUTES OF THE SPRING 2004 MEETING, Judy Jones, Secretary
Motion to approve the minutes was made by Teresa Atkinson, and was seconded by Lesa Lane. Motion to approve the minutes was passed.
TREASURER'S REPORT, Ken Jones, Treasurer
Treasurer’s report as of 9/20/04 was printed in the packet received by delegates.
Motion to accept the report was made by Rose Gilardi and seconded by Roberta Ridenour. Motion to accept the report was passed. Effective 9/20/04 the NCNH contribution to the Klima Fund was $3,135.
Trophy Fund
DISTRICT DIRECTOR'S REPORT, Jolene Adams, District Director
Jolene reported on the ARS budget flow problems. Operating funds for things like the magazine are not easily available and the shortage of operating funds causes problems like very late magazines.
The National Meeting report included the creation of a board to administer the new library. The books will no longer be available for checking out because many of the rare books did not come back.
Bulletins will be continued for the special interest rose groups.
The Klima Center has broken ground and building is in progress. It is expected to be finished for the April opening.
The fund drive for furnishings has been successful and NCNH has sent $3,135 so far.
There will be an NCNH Rose Garden off of the Brides Room. Jolene asked if each society would like to donate a bush for the garden with the society name on a plaque. Suggestions were made to get a list of roses that grow well in that area and choose from the list. Jolene will get final plans in the Dec. Criterion.
Changes have been made in the mini-flora category. Changes become effective as soon as they are printed in American Rose magazine.
ARS membership has been going down. An incentive for membership is the $5 discount and 2 rose bushes given now. Give a gift membership.
There have been 2 new test gardens added in Arizona and Florida.
There was no gold medal awarded this year.
The Classification committee has been reviewing the climbing rose category and reclassifying some into other areas, out of LCL.
Newsletter by e-mail, Friday Focus, from Executive Director Benny Ellerbe, attempts to keep everyone up on ARS continuing news and assist us in understanding the ARS workings. If you want to receive the email sign up on the sign up sheet provided. Green Yellow Pages web:, is including a list of recommended roses and ARS gets a few cents per hit.
Lowe’s, Jackson-Perkins and Bayer are partnering with ARS for Rose Day America, April 30. Thirty thousand dollars has been donated to ARS for the operating budget. Across the country, CRs will be asked to present a scripted program. A packet will be provided for each presenter. Jackson-Perkins and Bayer will be assisting at each Lowe’s store on this day. If anyone can help – good. More information will be in The Criterion.
EDUCATION, Dean Davis - No specific report.
Joel Mattox submitted a written report and updates were given by Jolene .
Currently there are 180 CRS of which 18 are in danger of losing their credentials on Dec 31. These CRS have all been notified.
If Joel does not have a current e-mail address for your rose society or CR Coordinator you will miss news.
The NCNH Executive Committee felt the CR report was an important requirement so 2004 form went out with the Criterion and is on the website. It is due before Dec 31. Any CR who does not subscribe to the Criterion or have access to web should contact their CR Coordinator for a copy. If the entire form is too long, please fill out as much as possible and send to Joel.
Point opportunities that are approved were announced and plans for CR schools in 2005 and 2006 were suggested. Sponsoring societies are needed.
The new Master Rosarian Program and forms for nominations were included in the fall Criterion and are on the web. Nominations are due by Nov. 15. This is a special reward for the CR who continues to work, and work, in spite of awards, and time. They may not be promoted or publicized, but they work anyway. They must be a CR for 10 years. The Selection Committee is composed of Joel, Jolene, and Baldo. The first awards will be given in the spring, so watch the deadline for submitting names.
Updates from National were made regarding RIR, Rose Day America, Rose Naming Controls – NOT, and CR credentialing and points.
There will be more details about the local meetings points. One of the four points earned for recertification must be on safety in the garden.
If a local society has 5 candidates wishing to become Consulting Rosarians. or five with a nearby society a school can be arranged with the society as a sponsor.
Four apprentice judges have now become full Horticultural Judges – Jack Fitzgerald, Bill Reynolds, Lynn Schlessinger, and Helen Zawlik-Moyot.
The new Guidelines book was presented and a few copies are still available. Watch the way you write your schedules to be clear. MiniFlora class was discussed with the new rewards. Local societies may choose to combine Miniature and Miniflora or to separate the two classes. National and District Shows will separate the two classes. Make sure your schedule is specific as to whether the class includes both or if they are separate.
There is a new fragrance certificate. Now it is 70% fragrance and 30% form if the ARS certificate is to be awarded. If you do not want to include the form, do not use the ARS certificate. Open and closed shows issue has been clarified and the statement that all shows are open to all regardless of area of residence has been reinserted into the guidelines. There are no show police watching over your shoulder on this! The suggestion was made to have later entry times so that more can have time to enter – especially the public.
Not all local rose societies have sent their proposed arrangement schedules in for approval as required in the “Guidelines for Judging Arrangements”. Next year Dolores would like 100% of the schedules submitted for approval. Corrections and additions to the Guidelines will be published in the Criterion and are to be used in preparing your next show schedule.
Plans are to offer arrangement seminars/workshops more locally during 2005 and to have an arrangement judging school in 2006. If your society would like to sponsors one of these please contact the Arrangement Chairman or District Director.
These Committee reports were submitted writing and were included in the packets sent to each society president to give their voting delegates. A summary in included here.
Two contributions have been made to the NCNH memorial fund. They are from the EBRS in celebration of 75 years, and the Peninsula RS in memory of Angela K Lude’. These funds enable our district to provide start-up funds for new societies.
Jerry Crumrine thanks the following societies for sending him information regarding their speakers and programs for inclusion in his data base: Butte, Contra Costa, East Bay, Golden Sierra, Humboldt, Lake County, Mendocino, Monterey Bay, Mother Lode, Mount Diablo, North Bay, Redwood Empire, San Francisco, Santa Clara County, and Shasta. Jerry would like other societies to provide him with this information. Send it to Jerry Crumrine, 462 Currey Ct, Benicia, CA 944510-3922 or email to JLCRUMY@AOL.COM
THE CRITERION, Linda and Ted Burg, Editors
There are nine new subscriptions from members of the Stockton Rose Society, giving us 45 new subscriptions this year. However, over half of the current subscribers have not renewed. If you renew late and request a special mailing of a missed issue the cost is $1.50 - $2.00 compared to bulk rate of $.35.
Anyone can submit articles of interest to rosarians to be published in the Criterion. No articles from CR’s were received for the fall issue. Suggestions on articles you would like to see are always welcome.
MEMBERSHIP, Rosemary Sawyer
Membership is vital to each society on the local, district, or national level. We encourage others by sharing and learning about roses. We meet members of other societies at the District Meetings and at the National level we enjoy the benefits of the ARS magazine and Annual and other benefits which are published on the ARS website. ARS membership has been declining and there are several “incentives” being given to new members during the “10,000 New Members Campaign.”
At the local level we need to invite others to share this hobby and we need to plan so that young people with busy schedules can be included. Share your enthusiasm!
WEBMISTRESS, Gail Trimble - No report.
Alice Affleck reported that NCNH was first in the number of RIRs turned in. However, not all CRs reported. Mailing costs were $120. NCNH members submitted 279 reports on 304 varieties. Gemini had the most reports, was rated 8.3, and may be the member’s choice.
Corrections were made in the District Directory.
DISTRICT TROPHIES, Tom Bonfigli - No report.
NOMINATIONS AND AWARDS, Muriel Humenick - No report.
HISTORIAN, Betty Ann Cassina
Histories are needed from Monterey, Reno, and Woodland Library
RAFFLE/SITE SELECTION, Dave Coop - No report.
SHOW ADVISORY, Ed Yesan - No report.
Local Society By Laws are still needed from Honolulu. Please send these to Jolene Adams.
Klima Center -- See president’s report.
Heritage Rose Foundation Conference - May 12-15, 2005 in El Cerrito. Many local speakers will be featured and the conference will end with the El Cerrito Celebration of Roses.
Storage of Properties – Dolores Moffat reported that as Arrangement Chair she has to store the properties. If you need any, she has them. Dorothy Patty is storing all the new tags for the show tables.
Standing rules revisions concern Arrangement, CR, or Judging seminars or workshops. These are national if points are being given. If an entry fee is charged, in addition to the meeting fee, the two fees must be kept separate. If sponsored by the society, the fee charged for the seminar should cover the room rent and other expenses. The only limit to attendance is the safety of the room. District does recompense a society for sponsoring these events.
The following were submitted for addition to the Standing Rules:
Standing Rule #29 – It is District policy to encourage attendance at educational events, subject to the capacity of the event venue. The organizers and sponsors of educational events, such a CR Schools and Seminars, and Judging Schools and Seminars are encouraged to hold them at convenient times and places in our District for the benefit and education of all District members and CRs, and to set registration policies consistent with National and District requirements. If the educational event awards points toward re-certification, or will include a test for original certification as a CR or a Judge, attendees shall not be required to register and attend any other Local or District event that is occurring in the same time frame. This is to apply even if the educational event is jointly sponsored, organized, staffed, scheduled in co-ordination with, and/or held at the same time and place as the other District or Local event.
Standing Rule #30 – Note that a District or Local event could contain programs deemed worthy of awarding one or more Educational points (with prior approval by District and National Chairs.) Attendance at these programs would require registration or otherwise valid attendance at the event presenting the program. The litmus test in such cases is the charging of a separate fee for attendance; if a separate fee is charged for an Educational event, then there is to be no additional requirement of attendance at any other NCNH District or Local Rose Society event.
Acceptance of the standing rules was moved by Barbara Shula and seconded by Teresa Atkinson.
The Standing Rules #29 and 30 were accepted.
Symbol or Logo for the District – Other districts have a special logo. Alice Affleck said the effort had been made before but no design had been found that represented all areas. Colleen suggested that a contest be held for a logo and voted on by all. Jolene will get detailed information onto the web and into the Criterion.
Dave Coop reported on details of future meeting sites and host societies. Changes to the listing in the agenda are:
Fall 2005: Marin Rose Society - Oct. 7, 8, & 9, Embassy Suites, San Rafael
Spring 2007: San Mateo
Fall 2007: Mother Lode
ARS Fall 2007: St. Louis, Sept. 12-17, 2007
Rose Gilardi moved, and Gaird Hamilton seconded that we accept the 2007 bids. Passed.
Everyone was encouraged to buy more tickets as the raffle is the main fundraiser for the NCNH.
Meeting was adjourned by the Conference Chair, Tom Waltman, at 12:05 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy Jones,
NCNH Secretary